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Columbia Irrigation Canal – Tri-Cities, WA




PROBLEM: Columbia Valley Irrigation District has an earthen canal system where some of the older canals were suspected of losing various amounts of water. It was necessary to repair these canals and make them leak free for their customers and to conserve the water they are buying.

SOLUTION: The irrigation district after evaluation decided to install a 60 mil HDPE textured geomembrane liner system within the canals. A textured HDPE liner system was chosen because of its good puncture resistance, long design life, and textured surface for backfill material.

CONSTRUCTION DETAILS: The canal was reconstructed to obtain the volume of water required and shaped to provide for installation of the 60 Mil HDPE. The HDPE liner system was installed across the canal and secured in perimeter anchor trenches dug on both sides of the canal. Once welded into place, the anchor trenches were backfilled. Subsequently, the entire liner system was covered with 12 inches of earth and the system was placed into service. ( In many cas- es, the HDPE liner system is left open to the elements, and not covered with soil or ballast).

PROJECT: Columbia Irrigation Canal, Columbia Irrigation District

LOCATION: Tri-Cities, Grant County, Washington

LINER INSTALLER: Northwest Linings & Geotextile Products, Inc.

MATERIAL: 60 Mil Two-Sided Textured HDPE

AREA: 80,000 SF
